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Beth Pavell
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9:33 PM
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  • I missed your viking funeral, eh?
    thanks for all the work you've put it over the years; I've certainly not said it enough. hope you're doing well
    Hello there! Your comment on my Flying Witch review made me curious, what are your personal favorite anime of all time? Like, top ten list worthy?
    Hello there! You mentioned in a thread that you're watching Haibane Renmei. That's one of my favorite anime ever! It's soooooo good! How are you liking it? I have the whole series on DVD, and even though it's been years since I last saw it, I remember it very vividly and how much I love it!
    Beth Pavell
    Beth Pavell
    Rewatching it, really. I think it was one of the first anime I watched when I started getting into the medium
    I am reviewing AceTrainer for Secret Santa and was reading your reviews as well (for perspective). After this comment: "I wonder what happened to Buzz to turn him into such a bloodthirsty loon. I think Sauron was saner while he tried to cover all the lands in a second darkness," I am thinking we should be best friends. Haha
    I read the prologue of The Long Walk today. The imagery is amazing, I feel like I am walking (or riding, I suppose) with the character. It is also impressive how you made the world seem so realistic, but sprinkled in Pokémon as well. I always feel like my worlds are too clean (video game-y).
    Sorry I missed your message, I'm available to beta yeah. I start work next week, but I always look forward to your stuff.
    Beth Pavell
    Beth Pavell
    Oh, you're starting work? Good news, where are you working?
    It's the engineering firm I interned at for a couple summers. Probably best I could have hoped for to be honest.
    Beth Pavell
    Beth Pavell
    Hey, it's a start. Always helps to be actually working in the industry related to your degree
    btw long time no see; how's life?
    Beth Pavell
    Beth Pavell
    That's a big question. Well ... permanent work is an improvement whatever way you slice it. But selling glorified placebos made by a self-righteous company to snotty teenage girls presents plenty of opportunities to be annoyed
    Ah, the joys of customer service. You have my extreme condolences lol; some of that stuff makes me want to tear my hair out.

    Any good stories?
    Beth Pavell
    Beth Pavell
    Well, there was that guy who bought a £250 gift box off me over Christmas. That's, what, about $350?
    Just for clarification, your recent Review Game request is the entire thing, correct?
    Misfit Angel
    Misfit Angel
    Oh and while I'm here, I'm putting together a special christmas chapter for Land of the Roses that'll feature some cameo appearances by characters from around the workshop. You interested in having one of your characters featured for a brief interaction/gift exchange with Andrea? If you are, I'll send further details!
    Beth Pavell
    Beth Pavell
    Yes, it is. And sure, that sounds amusing
    Hey hey, I've got an anime that's right up your alley.
    Beth Pavell
    Beth Pavell
    Have you indeed?
    AAAAH I forgot to reply.

    It's called The Ancient Magus Bride. It's about a japanese girl with the ability to see magical creatures who, after leading a life of misfortune goes to england and sells her soul in an auction, only to get bought by a strange mage. The story mostly focuses on her learning more about magic, magic creatures and her abilities while also gaining a bigger understanding about herself and growing more world weary.

    It also looks completely beautiful and takes place in england grabbing influences mainly from british and welsh mythology and putting a lot of focus on the backgrounds and world around the characters.
    I've been meaning to ask to ask something. Are your blog entries meant to be something along the lines of daily writing exercises? Just curious, that's all. ^^;
    Beth Pavell
    Beth Pavell
    After a fashion. They're meant to be more like nature blogs, but I suppose there is some overlap
    Scarlet Sky
    Scarlet Sky
    That sounds pretty fun. I'd like to take up writing myself, but I tend to find it difficult to get started without a prompt of some sort.
    It's been quite underwhelming, to be honest. I don't feel any smarter, despite having a piece of paper that says I am.

    Perhaps. I've been forcing myself to work on it more, but without a big burst of inspiration it's slow going. How's TLW coming? Only a few chapters away from the end of the tourney arc, I imagine.
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