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What's GROWING on? A look at Bulbapedia's newest additions from December 2024

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The Bulbapedia encyclopedia is always growing here at Bulbagarden! All sorts of edits and contributions sprout up every single day thanks to Pokémon enthusiasts from all around the world! Let's take a closer look at our editors' best contributions that have taken root during December 2024.

7.8/10 Too Much Water
Today we take a look back at the Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire demo, with a fresh new page written by Junior Admin C.Ezra.M. While a lucky few may have played this demo all the way back in 2002 at the Pokémon Festa, the rest of us will have to rely on our imagination. Our adventure starts on Hoenn Route 104, but it's a bit different than usual. Petalburg Woods is blocked by an NPC. And the Pretty Petal Flower Shop? Not yet open according to the lady inside. Our hero (aptly named Hiro), has only an underleveled Sharpedo and a Kecleon to aid him. What's more is Sharpedo doesn't even have an Ability! The nerve! We will need to be sharp if we plan to beat our greatest opponents yet: Twins Kumi & Rumi.

Does our hero triumph? Does Sharpedo faint from the powerful attacks of the opposing Azurill? While we may not have the full details, we appreciate everything C.Ezra.M has been able to research so far.

Art you can eat?!?

December saw the release of Terastal Fest ex, the latest Japanese expansion released for the Pokémon Trading Card Game. But within this expansion was a secret...an Eevee Special Art Rare with an illustration so good you could almost taste it! Illustrated by Natsuko Shoji, a Japanese chef and pâtissier. She is the founder, owner, and chef of the high-end restaurant "été" in Tokyo. For the card illustration, Shoji and her team designed and created a cake inspired by the Terastal phenomenon, featuring fresh fruits cut into hexagonal shapes reminiscent of the Tera Jewel for the Stellar Tera Type. The illustration is simply a feast for the eyes!

Big thanks to TCG specialist Anzasquiddles for researching the artist and writing the page. Be sure to check out the Natsuko Shoji article, as a treat!

Show me your moves!
Lost content is taken very seriously by us Pokémon historians, and in 2009, the cancellation of the Pokémon Trading Figure Game opened up a world of potentially lost information. Until now! On December 25th, several long-standing TFG mysteries were solved. A Christmas miracle!

It was brand new editor, Hammamet who came to the rescue. After coming across several of the figures in real life, Hammamet was not only able to verify a number of sculptor credits, but also the moveset for Jigglypuff, Spinda, Girafarig, and more! Now, some figures may still be missing some data, but let us be the first to thank Hammamet for the contributions they made to this historic content!

Bulletin Board Bounty
It's time to check in on the Bulletin Board. This month, we asked for help on several tasks, but it was HeroponSuperT2, ButSmeargleCan'tUseTheMove, and Storm Aurora who stepped up to the plate! This time, we were looking for an image for our Ingredients Seller article. Thanks to Tag Team ButSmeargleCan'tUseTheMove, and Storm Aurora, we can now revel in the glorious new game screenshot. Great job!

Not to be outdone, HeroponSuperT2 took on the challenge of uploading game sprites for the newest Medals from Pokémon GO in 2024. While Pokémon GO Fest 2024 and GO Wild Area 2024 may be finished, we can always visit the Medal article to reminisce with these new images. Thank you for the help!

Look forward to a full refresh of the Bulbapedia:Bulletin Board later this week! Will you be the next challenger?

Deadly Poison, Danger!

Sounds hazardous! The Deadly Poison, Danger! merchandise collection was released early last year, with updates in the following months. And Mortagua2 is here to tell all about it!

The collection features the Spiny Fish Pokémon Clodsire, but in a deadly pose. The plush has its spines out! According to Pokémon Scarlet, this is a risky move that puts everything on the line. Wow! The Deadly Poison, Danger! collection features five Poison-type Pokémon with all sorts of associated goods. Enjoy a Mareanie hair brush, a Toxel touch sensitive light, a Vileplume tissue box holder, and an assortment of new clothing items. Starting October 11, 2024, you could even download a new LINE chat theme, including a series of profile pictures, a new background and stickers of all the featured Pokémon. This merchandise is dangerous, so stay safe out there, Trainers.

Pokémon teach you to cook?
Did you know that Pokémon can teach you to cook too? In The Delicious Day with Pokémon shorts, learn to cook amazing Pokémon themed desserts with Cat's Kitchen, where you can see the chef in his daily life at home with his Pokémon teaching you various recipes! This fun little series reminds you to enjoy sweet treats with your closest friends, and we have Abcboy to thank for compiling the Bulbapedia page on it! Here's the videos on YouTube, use the GIFs and stickers, and Bon Appétit!

Celebrating the yeoman's work
There is a lot of work that goes into maintaining the encyclopedia, and that work is not always content creation. With over 55 thousand pages, over 260 thousand files, and over 4 million edits, it's hard to keep everything organized and make sense of it all. So, this month we want to celebrate three standout users performing the much needed yeoman's work that supports the encyclopedia.

First we have AnnieCat07: this user worked tirelessly on our image Archives adding much needed sorting categories to thousands of images! These images now have categories for even the smallest Pokémon appearances. Check out their latest work here!

Next up is Thespeon196: Thespeon is one of our Junior Admins, and in their short time volunteering as staff, they have made quite the impact on the Archives! Every day they are creating new categories, clearing unused files, and fixing filenames to be more accurate. They contribute to that resource every day, and many of our tasklists are kept clear thanks to their efforts. As Editor-in-Chief, let me be the first to say a big thank you!

Finally, we have Rustle. Rustle dedicated quite a few hours to fixing the whole structure of how we sort merchandise images. Starting from the top, you can now enjoy a more curated experience browsing our lists of merchandise images and merchandise articles, and dig all the way down as far as the Pikachu Loves Ketchup collection. Amazing! And while you are browsing, be sure to check out the new image category for people, a great resource for anyone who appreciates those who make the franchise we know and love.

This work from these three stellar users may not be the most exciting recent developments in the Pokémon world, but they are certainly important to us here at Bulbapedia. We appreciate your dedication!

This article was brought to you by the Bulbapedia team! All of our content is produced by our invaluable volunteers, so if you're interested in contributing to the collective knowledge of the Pokémon community, check out this handy page on getting started or join the conversation in the Bulbagarden Discord. We're always welcoming new editors!
Special thanks to @SuperPikaPool13 for helping to write parts of this article.
Maverick Nate

Maverick Nate

Bulbapedia Editor-in-Chief
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