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Take on Team Rocket in Pokémon Masters EX in a new Special Battle Event, plus pair up with Team Rocket Executives in new Variety and Tiered Scouts

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  • Staff
Continuing on from the recent debut of Giovanni's new Sygna Suit Sync Pair with Guzzlord, the Team Rocket executives are making a collective return to Pokémon Masters EX today in the Take on Team Rocket Special Battle Event, as well as in a new set of Variety, Tiered, and Ticket Scouts.

Special Battle Event: Take on Team Rocket
In this latest Special Battle Event, which runs until January 26th at 9:59pm (PST), players will take on battles against the Team Rocket Executives Proton, Petrel, Ariana, and Archer, as well as Team Rocket's leader Giovanni.

The Challenge Proton battle is available right now. Three more battles will unlock over the next few days:
  • Challenge Petrel: Unlocks January 9th, at 9:59pm (PST)
  • Challenge Ariana: Unlocks January 10th, at 9:59pm (PST)
  • Challenge Archer: Unlocks January 11th, at 9:59pm (PST)
Beating each of these areas will award players with 100 gems per area as first-time rewards, along with a special title, and a Proof of R-Exec Takedown item. The stages have no other completion rewards, and repeating stages will not grant any additional rewards.

Challenge Sygna Suit Giovanni can only be challenged by acquiring all four Proof of R-Exec Takedown. Completing this stage will award 100 gems, and unlock the Ultra Hard Challenge the Evil Mastermind area.

Players should also note the following when playing this event:
  • To participate, players must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those players can actually obtain.
  • Leftover Proof of R-Exec Takedown will be automatically converted to coins at a rate of 10 coins per item at the end of the event, and sent to players' Present Boxes
Team Rocket Scouts

The Team Rocket Variety Scout offers players an opportunity to scout the following Team Rocket sync pairs:
More information on each of these pairs can be found via the Bulbapedia links above. All five of these pairs have expanded sync grids, the ability to be raised to 6★ EX, and the ability to unlock EX Roles when raised to 6★ EX. The four Team Rocket Admins receive outfits reversing their usual Black and White outfits when raised to 6★ EX. Giovanni & Rhydon meanwhile do not have their own EX Style.

The Team Rocket Variety Scout also gives players a bonus present for the first three times players perform a Sync Pair Scout ×11, awarding a Move Candy Coin each time. This scout also include a daily discount, where players can perform a single scout for ×100 paid gems. This daily discount can be used 1 time per day during the entire length of the scout.

In addition to the regular Variety Scout, Trainers can also take advantage of a Team Rocket Tiered Scout. This scout has ten tiers, each of which is a Sync Pair Scout ×11. Players are able to scout once on each tier by using Paid Gems, with the amount of gems increasing with each tier. Additionally, Tier 5 grants the player a special tickets to use in an associated 5★-Guaranteed Team Rocket Ticket Scout, while Tier Level 10 guarantees the player their choice of a 5★ sync pair from a list that includes all of the new Team Rocket sync pairs, together with a large quantity of other trainers from the general pool. All tickets must be used prior to this scout ending.
  • Tier 1: 300 Paid Gems
  • Tier 2: 900 Paid Gems
  • Tier 3: 1,500 Paid Gems
  • Tier 4: 2,000 Paid Gems
  • Tier 5: 3,000 Paid Gems - 5★ Team Rocket Scout Ticket
  • Tier 6: 2,000 Paid Gems
  • Tier 7: 2,500 Paid Gems
  • Tier 8: 2,500 Paid Gems
  • Tier 9: 2,500 Paid Gems
  • Tier 10: 3,000 Paid Gems
Both the Team Rocket Variety Scout and Team Rocket Tiered Scout will be available until January 26th, at 9:59pm (PST). The associated 5★-Guaranteed Team Rocket Ticket Scout meanwhile will run through until February 2nd, at 9:59pm (PST).


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