25 Rookidee Candy are required to evolve Rookidee into Corvisquire and 100 Rookidee Candy to evolve Corvisquire into Corviknight.
This GO Battle Week will overlap with the simultaneous run of the Great League, Ultra League, and Master League, which begin on January 21st at 1:00pm (PST), and conclude on January 28th at 1:00pm (PST).
Event Bonuses and Activities
The following bonuses will be active during the Steeled Resolve event:
- Use a Charged TM to help a Shadow Pokémon forget the Charged Attack Frustration.
- Magnetic Lure Modules will attract different Pokémon during the event, such as Onix, Beldum, Shieldon, and Rookidee.
Additionally, the following bonuses will be active for GO Battle Week: Dual Destiny:
- Trainers will receive 4× Stardust from win rewards (separate to the end-of-set rewards)
- The maximum number of sets Trainers can play per day will be increased from five to 10 - for a total of 50 battles - from 12:00am to 11:59pm local time.
- Pokémon encountered via GO Battle League rewards will have a wider variance of Attack, Defense, and HP.
Certain Pokémon evolved during the Steeled Resolve event will learn a featured attack:
- Machoke → Machamp: Fast Attack Karate Chop
- Croconaw → Feraligatr: Charged Attack Hydro Cannon
- Wooper → Quagsire: Charged Attack Aqua Tail
- Lickitung → Lickilicky: Charged Attack Body Slam
- Corvisquire → Corviknight: Charged Attack Iron Head
- Paldean Wooper → Clodsire: Charged Attack Megahorn
Free event-themed Field Research is available for the Steeled Resolve event. Trainers completing the Field Research tasks will receive Poké Balls, Revives, Super Potions, and encounters with event-themed Pokémon.
Free and Paid Timed Research
Free battle-themed Timed Research will be available over GO Battle Week: Dual Destiny. Completing this Timed Research will award Trainers with the Grimsley-Style Shoes avatar item, among other rewards.
Trainers will also be able to access event-exclusive Timed Research for US$5.00 (or the equivalent pricing tier in each local currency), which grants a 2× Hatch Stardust bonus during the Steeled Resolve event along with the following rewards:
- 5,000 XP
- 20,000 Stardust
- One Elite Charged TM
- Encounters with event-themed Pokémon, including Galarian Weezing, Azumarill, Diggersby, Clodsire, and more.
Pokémon Encounters
All Pokémon listed below with a ⁂ next to their name can also be encountered in their Shiny variants.
Wild Encounters
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild during the Steeled Resolve event:
- Clefairy ⁂
- Machop ⁂
- Totodile ⁂
- Marill ⁂
- Hoppip ⁂
- Paldean Wooper ⁂
- Shieldon ⁂
- Bunnelby ⁂
- Carbink
- Mareanie ⁂
The following Pokémon will hatch from 2km Eggs during the Steeled Resolve event:
- Shieldon ⁂
- Carbink
- Mareanie ⁂
- Rookidee
The following Pokémon will appear in One-Star Raids during the Steeled Resolve event:
- Lickitung ⁂
- Skorupi ⁂
- Pancham ⁂
- Amaura ⁂
- Sources
Test your mettle during the Steeled Resolve event! – Pokémon GO