Story Event: Rising New Year's Resolutions
The Rising New Year's Resolutions Story Event sees Wallace preparing to host a mountain top New Year's fireworks event. This event will run through to January 24th, at 9:59pm (PST).
Completing the Beat the Rain Clouds! story stage in this event will allow players to team-up with an exclusive 3★ Sync Pair, Katherine (Furisode Girl) & Slurpuff, a Fairy-type Tech Role Sync Pair with an expanded sync grid. After unlocking Katherine & Slurpuff, players will be able to exchange their New Year Ticket B and New Year Ticket B+ for items to improve the pair's potential and move level, as well as Custom Sync Orbs for the pair.
As usual for events of this type, players will have an increased chance of receiving bonus rewards if they take on event battles using teams that feature specific sync pairs. The more of these sync pairs that players place in their lineup, the greater the bonus received. The applicable Sync Pairs and reward rates are as follows:
- Wallace (New Year's 2024) & Blacephalon, Clair (New Year's 2024) & Drampa: +60% (×1.6) Bonus Rewards
- Lisia (New Year's 2023) & Rapidash, Dawn (New Year's 2023) & Oricorio, Sabrina (New Year's 2022) & Chingling, Volkner (New Year's 2022) & Electivire, Lillie (New Year's 2021) & Ribombee, Lance (New Year's 2021) & Gyarados: +40% (×1.4) Bonus Rewards
- Fairy- and Dragon-Type Sync Pairs: +20% (×1.2) bonus rewards
Players should also note the following when playing this event:
- The number of plays available for Daily Extreme Battle 1 are reset every day at 10:00pm (PST).
- To participate, players must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
- The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those players can actually obtain.
- All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
- Leftover New Year Ticket B and New Year Ticket B+ items will be automatically converted to coins at a rate of 10 coins per item at the end of the event, and sent to players' Present Boxes
The Super Spotlight Seasonal Scout, Seasonal Tiered Scout, and Seasonal Featured Ticket Scout offer players a limited-time opportunity to scout the featured sync pairs from the Rising New Year's Resolutions event, along with other past New Year's Seasonal Sync pairs.
- Wallace (New Year's 2024) & Blacephalon
- Clair (New Year's 2024) & Drampa
- Lisia (New Year's 2023) & Rapidash
- Dawn (New Year's 2023) & Oricorio
- Sabrina (New Year's 2022) & Chingling
- Volkner (New Year's 2022) & Electivire
- Lillie (New Year's 2021) & Ribombee
- Lance (New Year's 2021) & Gyarados
The Super Spotlight Seasonal Scout includes a daily discount, where players can perform a single scout for x100 paid gems. This daily discount can be used up to 3 times per day during the entire length of the scout.
The Seasonal Tiered Scout has five tiers, each of which is a Sync Pair Scout ×11. Players are able to scout once on each tier by using Paid Gems, with the amount of gems increasing with each tier. Additionally, Tiers 2 through 5 grant the player additional in-game rewards.
- Tier 1: 1,000 Paid Gems
- Tier 2: 1,500 Paid Gems - 5★ Power-Ups ×3
- Tier 3: 2,000 Paid Gems - 5★ Great Scout Ticket B, which can be used in the Seasonal Featured Ticket Scout
- Tier 4: 2,500 Paid Gems - 5★ Power-Ups ×7
- Tier 5: 3,000 Paid Gems - Player's choice of 5★ Sync Pairs from those included in the scout
- Sources
Pokémon Masters EX official site
Pokémon Masters EX official site Strategy and battling
Pokémon Masters EX official site
Pokémon Masters EX official site Strategy and battling