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RetroPokeFan's Random Pokémon Episode Blog

Yo dude, today's episode the generator has picked for us today is A Meditite Fight! which is Episode 30 of Advanced. You see this episode is really gnarly like the ocean waves because not only is our super cool Hoenn gym leader dude Brawly is back but Ash also faces one of his students Shauna (no not that Shauna, the other one).

But oh no there's a storm heading their way and that is really bogus man, so they've gotta like gather some Pokémon and help them out before they decide to rest and talk about some wicked things while Meowth burns his tail. Whoops, watch where you put your tail cat.

So Ash and Pikachu then battle Shauna and they win and oh Brawly's saved the big surprise for last cause they're having their battle at a little island.

Wicked! Gnarly! Awesome stuff! We'll like totally be there for their upcoming match. Screw everything else, this gym battle will be most triumphant dude, instant 5/5 from Brawly man.


A totally rad looking pic of Pikachu and Meditite ready to battle dudes!

In actuality: 3/5

It's another episode with some fillery stuff happening to pad the episode but hey, at least Team Rocket doesn't hijack 8 minutes of the damn thing.
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Today's episode the generator has picked for us today is Gulpin' it Down! which is Episode 25 of Advanced Challenge. Delightfully silly stuff where a town gets invaded by a bunch of Gulpin and then both Gulpin and Ash's Treecko then suddenly grow to large size and it's just pure chaos afterwards.

This Professor Jacuzzi guy clearly foreshadowed Dynamaxing before Dynamaxing was even a thing.


Never before seen footage of gimmick currently in the works, please do not share with others.

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Today's episode the generator has picked is Familiarity Breeds Strategy! which is Episode 29 of Sinnoh League Victors.

A perfect way to kick start the long awaited third and final rematch against Paul in the Sinnoh league. This guy had been Ash's big Sinnoh rival and one of the hardest yet with his more arrogant and edgier personality so there were tons of people excited for this match and it all starts off on a very solid note. Needless to say though once Parts 2 and 3 arrive and both Electivire and Masaaki Iwane bursts out on the scene, we're truly in for quite the battle indeed.


A battle destined for greatness!

Today's episode the generator has picked is Scare at the Litwick Museum! which is Episode 26 of Black and White.

It's the daily Ghost type episode where our heroes run into a place they think is haunted and it's just a Ghost type Pokémon that's causing trouble. Sadly though this one isn't that particularly interesting especially since a couple of episodes ago, we had a similar sort of plot when they visited the Nacrene City museum and there was much more going on. Here every cliché is used to a tee - objects that come to life, characters suddenly disappearing or acting strangely and a final showdown to save themselves from certain danger.

So while it's not that bad of an episode (and believe me this generator will pick out some true stinkers from the Unova era one day), it didn't quite give me a scare either as the title claims.


Don't look behind you Axew.

Today's the episode the generator has picked is Facing Fear With Eyes Wide Open! which is Episode 32 of Black and White.

This is an episode of two sides - the Oshawott side and the other Pokémon side.

The Oshawott side is tons of fun with some great moments for Ash and Cilan and another mon joining Ash's team in the forgettable Palpitoad.

However what slightly lets this episode down is the sucky other Pokémon side where the others all get poisoned by their own stupidity and we keep cutting back to them all still ill. Yes, we get it guys. They all need their medicine, can we go back to silly Oshawott antics please?


One nervous little otter.

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Today's episode the generator has picked is Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden which is Episode 51 of the Kanto series.

A nice little episode for Ash's Bulbasaur where it begins to act strangely and Pikachu gets a nice little moment with it - vaguely similar to the short scene it had with Caterpie during the beginning of the show. It raises questions as to whether or not Bulbasaur is going to evolve alongside the others but it manages to resist doing so and even learns Solar Beam too.



This all seems a little familiar doesn't it?
Today's episode the generator has picked is Once There Were Greenfields! which is Episode 2 of Battle Dimension.


End of the road for our spiky fella.

Another tearful episode for James as he says goodbye to Cacnea who goes off with Gardenia (in her final anime appearance, her Japanese VA passed away in 2013). It's not quite as good as the one where he said farewell to Chimecho but it's still a pretty good episode and shows a much more emotional side to James. It's not everyday we see something like that so although I think TR could sometimes pop up too frequently in this era, it's nice to see them change things up every now and then.

Even at the start of the next episode James is still reeling over Cacnea's departure and I really do feel for the guy.

Today's episode the generator has picked is Destination: Coronation! which is Episode 18 of Journeys.

We've finally made it to one of the World Coronation Series battle episodes or Ash's endgame as they would say. Personally though I was pretty disappointed with most of these battles. It's such a great idea too especially with the endless opportunities they could have done with returning faces or even bringing in newer ones for the games.

Instead we ended up with a big load of wasted ass potential which is pretty par for the course for Journeys with only three or four battles (this battle, Iris, Volkner and Marnie) actually being decent or really good. The rest of them were either disappointing (Bea who had two great battles until they dropped the ball with the final rematch), incredibly brief (aka the random COTD trainers) or just a big crock of crap (the less said about Drasna's battle the better).

This was the first of these battles with Ash up against Visquez and this was at least a very good way to kick things off. Now granted I still would have preferred seeing Lt. Surge returning (although he does get a mention as well as callbacks to that episode) but there's some nice little moments such as a twist on the whole Pikachu vs Raichu battle where Pikachu drops out for a bit and thus Ash's new Gengar gets to rock that Raichu's world as well as Pikachu up against Voltorb with another clever strategy added to the mix.

Very fun stuff even if nowadays it can't hide the fact that it's mostly all going to be downhill from there.


Today's episode the generator has picked is An Angry Combeenation! which is Episode 32 of Diamond and Pearl.

This concludes the Cheryl mini-arc that's been going on where our heroes joined her on the search for the Enchanted Honey. They make it to the Amber Castle and have to deal with Team Rocket who plan to take it for themselves.

A fun conclusion to this enjoyable story, Cheryl's an enjoyable character to have around too, shame she doesn't show up again after this.


Do not show Winnie the Pooh this episode as it's likely he'll faint seeing the endless amount of honey in this.

Today's episode the generator has picked is From Brags to Riches which is Episode 35 of Advanced Battle.

The first Hoenn League episode we've come across in the generator and in this episode's case it's more Rags than Riches as the underwhelmingly poor Hoenn League continues with rivals I don't care about and Morrison just being an annoying shit (Sean Schemmel I love you but good god, that voice legitimately got on my nerves after 5 minutes).

Gavin should have just done us a favour and knocked Morrison out of this league because Ash's battle with him was just embarrassingly awful... much like most of this league to be exact. Oh and it's another Yusaku Takeda episode so the animation is the usual poor quality. Can't say I'm looking forward to any of the other episodes we'll come across in this blog.


Ya know things are about to go down when Dan Green can punch through a wall with ease!

Hey look everybody we've gone from one bad league to another as today's episode the generator has picked is Strong Strategy Steals the Show! which is Episode 9 of Black and White: Adventures in Unova.

Quite surprisingly though it's not one of the truly garbage episodes but rather the only decent battle in this entire league - Ash vs Stephan.

It's not the most memorable league battle but compared to the absolute crap that is basically everything else, all of that makes this look like Ash vs Paul or Ash vs Kukui in comparison. Some good strategies and stuff and a nice way to give Stephan some closure since I actually liked him a lot.

Only downside is the last couple of minutes which sets the stage for the nightmare to come that is Ash vs Cameron. Here's hoping it takes a looong while before either episode pops up.


Farewell to one of the few Unova rivals I actually cared about.

Today's episode the generator has picked is I Feel Skitty which is Episode 7 of Advanced Challenge.

Everyone just taking in the sheer cuteness of Skitty.

Just three words to describe this one: freakin' adorable Skitty. A really fun episode indeed and a great addition to May's team as well.

Today's episode the generator has picked is Battle For the Underground! which is Episode 48 of Black and White.


Who's mad? Pika's mad!

A very very middling conclusion to the TR train two-parter (and the first Black and White season) that only proved that despite being much more serious than ever before, the Team Rocket trio could still be just as dumb as a bag of rocks especially with some bizarre choices they've made for their train getaway. No wonder the anime staff decided to give them a break after this as they show up much less frequently in Rival Destinies which is a good thing if you asked me considering they mostly botched them up with how boring they are.

We do however get a pretty pissed off Pikachu in this one as well as both Ingo and Emmet being an absolute delight (Wayne Grayson and Marc Diraison are just perfect as them as well) but it still doesn't make up for a particularly mediocre episode. Things weren't looking too hot for the Unova era and we hadn't even reached the half-way point.

Today's episode the generator has picked is To Catch a Rotom! which is Episode 44 of Black and White: Adventures in Unova.


Only natural to pick this GIF for this one.

By this point things had become utterly dire for the Unova era of the anime. After the massively disappointing N/Team Plasma arc I guess the anime staff must have officially run out of ideas so we were trapped in filler hell with the Decolore Islands side of this season - 20 whole episodes of filler, filler, filler as the season just spins its wheels until it can be put out of its misery and we can head off to the much brighter looking pastures of Kalos alongside Ash.

Luckily though this happens to be one of the better episodes of this arc managing to cram in quite a lot of funny humour - Professor Oak especially gets to shine and nabs himself a Rotom partner who would be by his side for his segments at the end of most XY episodes. A shame there wasn't more episodes like this when it badly needed it.

Poor Rotom, who would knew he would end up kidnapped after XY to be a part of the mass production of Rotom Dexes and Rotom Phones :cry:.

I think that one was the final Oak-focused episode of the whole series...
Today's episode the generator has picked is A Rollicking Roll.../Eyes on the Goal! which is Episode 10 of Master Journeys.


Everyone when they realised the week before that there's another one of these...

This is one of three episodes in the series where they tried out the two episodes in one format that some cartoons tend to use and personally I was never really enthused with these sort of episodes. Seems like the fanbase weren't either as this was the last time that Journeys would do one of these episodes before scrapping the whole idea.

It's slightly better than the other two but it's not saying much especially when it's still pretty mediocre. I liked the Meowth/Wobbuffet side with the big turtle race more than the first half which sees Ash and Goh getting stuck with a whole bunch of Gulpins that then makes a giant ball rolling down the street.

Kinda glad there's no more of these because they just felt like time-wasters at best and annoyances at worst.

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