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Pokémon Sleep's next Good Sleep Day event is scheduled to begin Friday June 21st, bringing a ×2 Drowsy Power modifier on Saturday June 22nd

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  • Staff
Snorlax and Pikachu sleeping under a full moon
Pokémon Sleep's next Good Sleep Day event will run from Friday June 21st through to Sunday June 23rd, at the end of the upcoming Summer Festival. Good Sleep Day events are being held in Pokémon Sleep once every lunar month, starting the day before the full moon, and ending the day after. As usual, a Good Sleep Day Bundle will be available from the in-game shop alongside this event.

Sleep Report Volume 10
Researchers' average sleep durations during the most recent Good Sleep Day event in May was a mere 1 minute and 23 seconds longer on average. While down from April, where sleep was 3 minutes and 35 seconds longer than average, this is a marked improvement on March, where sleep durations were 2 minutes and 33 seconds shorter on average compared to sleep recorded in the Pokémon Sleep app on other days.

Event Bonuses
Players will receive the following bonuses on the first and last days of the Good Sleep Day event:
  • Drowsy Power ×1.5
  • Pokémon Sleep EXP ×2
  • Bonus Sleep Points +500
These bonuses will be increased further for Saturday June 22nd, the night of the full moon, to:
  • Drowsy Power ×2
  • Pokémon Sleep EXP ×3
  • Bonus Sleep Points +1000
Players should also note the following for this event:
  • The daily rollover for each Good Sleep Day event is at 4:00am local time.
  • Event bonuses for this event apply regardless of which site players conduct their sleep research in.
  • Bonus Sleep points are only received for the first sleep session in a day.
  • Event bonuses apply only for sleep tracking that begins within the event period, and do not apply to sleep tracking during the tutorial, or to sleep data tracked before the event, even if the player waits to review their sleep research after the event has started.
  • Sleep data tracked during the event will receive event bonuses, regardless of if the player waits to review their sleep research until after the event has concluded.
  • All Good Sleep Day bonuses stack multiplicatively with bonuses from other sources such as Incense items.
Good Sleep Day Bundle - Vol. 11
Good Sleep Day Bundle Vol.11

A new Good Sleep Day Bundle will be available at a price of 1,500 diamonds in the in-game shop, offering the following selection of items:
  • Growth Incense ×2
  • Luck Incense ×2
  • Focus Incense ×2
  • Great Biscuit ×9
This bundle will be available for purchase from June 20th at 4:00am (UTC), through to June 25th, at 3:59am (UTC).


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