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Pokémon Sleep to receive maintenance on June 11th for Version 1.8.0 update, with more QoL and balance changes ahead of the Summer Festival

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  • Staff
Pokémon Sleep Updates
Pokémon Sleep will enter a maintenance period early next week on Tuesday June 11th for an update of the software to Version 1.8.0. This maintenance period is expected to run for roughly 4 and a half hours, from 1:00am until 5:30am (UTC). The update includes balance adjustments for Pinsir and Heracross as well as some minor quality of life changes, in addition to preparing the game for the Summer Festival event commencing the following week.

The game's developers have also released an update regarding certain recent performance issues. A bug that was causing certain Shiny Pokémon to not appear in the list of profile icon choices has now been resolved as of June 7th. The bug relating to Snorlax's Strength and rating gain animations playing on a loop is meanwhile scheduled to be fixed in a future update, however it's not clear from the patch notes if this will be coming in Version 1.8.0, or at some point further into the future.

According to the patch notes, the following changes will be made in Version 1.8.0:

New Features​

  • Preparation for the Summer Festival
    Please see the event news for more details.

Balance Adjustments​

  • Adjustments to the helping stats of certain helper Pokémon
    • Pinsir
      • Carry limit +3
      • Ingredient finding ×1.05
    • Heracross
      • Carry limit +2
      • Frequency shortened slightly
      • Main skill chance ×1.05


  • Capacity limit for the bag’s items pocket unlocked
    • Items pocket max capacity: 700 → 800[/B]
  • Some texts adjusted or unified
  • Other small bug fixes and adjustments

Bug Fixes​

  • Alarms set on Pokémon GO Plus + going off an hour late (in countries with Daylight Saving Time)
    Note: The alarm time will be automatically corrected when you connect to Pokémon GO Plus + after updating the app.


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