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Next Pokémon Trading Card Game Standard Format Rotation to take effect for tournaments from April 11th, and in Pokémon TCG Live from March 27th

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  • Staff
Regidrago VStar, Kirlia, and Radiant Greninja, three popular cards that are being rotated out as of this new Standard Format
With today's announcement of the Scarlet & Violet - Journey Together expansion, we also now have an official date for the start of the next Pokémon Trading Card Game Standard Format Rotation. The Standard format for the 2025-2026 season will begin for in-person events on April 11th, and will come into force for online play in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live app from March 27th. From these dates, cards with the "F" regulation mark will no longer be legal for play in Standard format, with players only able to use cards with the "G" and "H" regulation marks (and any future released marks), or which have received reprints with those marks. Cards will become legal for tournament play two weeks after their international release date.

No changes are being made to the Expanded format for the 2025-2026 season, which will continue to allow almost all cards from Black & White through to the latest released expansions, excepting only a limited number of banned cards. The last update to the Expanded Format came on August 15th, 2024, with the banning of Duskull, from 2019's Sun & Moon—Cosmic Eclipse expansion. This card was banned due to synergies with the Dusclops from the then recently released Scarlet & Violet—Shrouded Fable expansion enabling a strategy known as Dusclops Donk, which allowed for the first player to take early Knock Outs on the opponent's Pokémon, and potentially win the game before their opponent could attack even once.


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