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New Pokémon TCG cards for Larvitar, Pupitar, and Tyranitar revealed for upcoming Battle Partners expansion

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  • Staff
Today's video on the Pokémon Trading Card Game's official Japanese YouTube channel has unveiled new cards for Larvitar, Pupitar, and Tyranitar from the upcoming Battle Partners expansion. These cards will be released in Japan later this month on January 24th, 2025. Cards from this set will be released internationally on March 28th as part of the Journey Together expansion, announced earlier today.

Translations of both cards revealed can be found in the table below, and on Bulbapedia.
Card #Card Thumbnail (Click for full image)Translation
SV9 047/100
Larvitar HP: 70 :F:

:C::C: Crunch 20
Flip a coin. If heads, discard an Energy from your opponent's Active Pokémon.

Weakness: :G: ×2
Resistance: None
Retreat: :C:
SV9 048/100
Pupitar HP: 90 :F:
Stage 1 - Evolves from Larvitar

:C::C: Take Down 60
This Pokémon also does 20 damage to itself.

Weakness: :G: ×2
Resistance: None
Retreat: :C:
SV9 058/100
Tyranitar HP: 190 :D:
Stage 2 - Evolves from Pupitar

Ability: Overpowering Gaze
As long as this Pokémon is in the Active Spot, your opponent can't play any Item cards from their hand.

:D::C: Cracking Stomp 150
Discard the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck.

Weakness: :G: ×2
Resistance: None
Retreat: :C::C::C:
Card translations by @C.Ezra.M


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