• The Bulbagarden community is celebrating the 20th anniversary of Bulbapedia by hosting the Bulbagarden Catch-a-Thon, a four-day charity event benefitting the American Cancer Society! Please consider checking out the marathon by clicking on the link to our Twitch channel in the forum sidebar, or going to twitch.tv/bulbagarden !

Fletchling announced to be the featured Pokémon for March 2021 Pokémon GO Community Day

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Fletchling has been announced to be the featured Pokémon for the March 2021 Pokémon GO Community Day event. This Community Day event will be held on 6 March from 11am to 5pm in all time zones. During the time period of the event Fletchling will be appearing more frequently in the wild and will be more likely to be encountered as a Shiny Pokémon. Fletchinder that evolve into Talonflame from 11am to 7pm in all time zones on 6 March will know the Community Day exclusive move Incinerate.

Also during the event 5 snapshots of each player’s buddy could be taken to make a wild Fletchling spawn on the map and appear in the snapshots taken. In the shop there will be a Community Day Box available for 1280 PokéCoins with 50 Ultra Balls, 5 Lucky Eggs, a Poffin and an Elite Fast TM and for US $1, or for the same price in other currencies, a ticket for the Community Day exclusive Special Research, called The Bravest Bird, will be sold. In addition, there will be 3x catch XP and Incenses will last 3 hours, as bonuses.
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